Chers amis,

Bonjour !

Les micro-puces RFID (radio-frequency idenification device ou "dispositis d'identification à radio fréquence") se préparent à envahir le marché, et aussi...l'univers des "flambeurs" ! En effet, les casinos et autres endroits dédiés aux jeux vont être bientôt SURVEILLES par ces immondes mouchards "afin de repérer les tricheurs" ! ET LA PROTECTION DE LA VIE PRIVEE, DANS TOUT CELA ??? A la poubelle, comme d'habitude !

Mais les applications ne s'arrêteront évidemment pas là : Delta Airlines va mettre des RFID sur les bagages ds voyageurs, les frontières des USA vont être "protégées" par RFID, Wal-Mart (la plus grande chaîne d'hypermarchés US, le "Carrefour" américain de la distribution) fait pression sur ses distributeurs pour qu'ils soient compatibles avec cette technologie pour la fin de l'année, Procter & Gamble (une multinationale de merde) effectue des tests et place déjà des tags RFID sur ses bouteilles de shampooing "Pantene" et au Royaume-Uni, on pense à mettre des RFID dans les plaques d'immatrculation ! Où que vous alliez, il y aura des tags RFID (étiquettes RFID) pour vous espionner et vous traquer, et ce jusque dans votre slip !!! La voie royale pour "Big Brother", le dictateur, le gouvernement mondial, est ouverte ! Et bientôt, près de chez vous, la micro-puce sous-cutanée ! Un peu plus tard, dans 2 ou 3 ans (ou dans 20 ans, allez savoir), les micro-puces cérébrales pour ceux et celles

Il est grand temps de réagir et d'informer les personnes autour de soi...dans quelques mois, tout sera déjà trop corrompu (quand on voit à quel rythme insoutenable le nouvel ordre mondial impose ces saloperies, on peut l'affirmer !).

Je vous laisse ci-dessous une copie du long article (en anglais) que j'ai déniché sur cette page :

Bonne journée et à plus tard,

Embedding Their Hopes in RFID

By Jonathan Krim
06/25/04 2:21 PM PT

The technology has been around for a decade -- including use in the E-ZPass system that helps speed drivers through toll booths on many East Coast highways -- but RFID is now robust enough, and getting cheap enough, that it is beginning to transform numerous sectors of the economy by allowing unparalleled tracking of products and people.

To John Kendall, casino gambling will soon look like this:
A player sits down at a blackjack table and bets a stack of chips, which Kendall hopes are manufactured by his company, Chipco International of Raymond, Maine. Sensors trained on the betting area of the table scan tiny computer tags embedded in the chips, and electronically report the amount of the bet to a security control room.

"If at table 17, player 4 has been betting $5, and all of a sudden he bets $500, they want to be notified," said Kendall, whose firm is investing heavily in technology known as RFID -- radio frequency identification -- to make the tags work. "Our reporting will tell the casino manager that this person has just changed his betting habits," perhaps because he is cheating.
Chipco, which hopes to introduce its new chips late this year, is one of many companies placing bets on RFID these days.

The technology has been around for a decade -- including use in the E-ZPass system that helps speed drivers through toll booths on many East Coast highways -- but RFID is now robust enough, and getting cheap enough, that it is beginning to transform numerous sectors of the economy by allowing unparalleled tracking of products and people.

Department of Homeland Security

Early this month, Reston-based Accenture LLP won a contract worth as much as $10 billion from the Department of Homeland Security that will include using RFID at U.S. border checkpoints.
Delta Air Lines Inc. is testing RFID baggage tags on its service between Jacksonville, Fla., and Atlanta, to help with security and lost luggage. In Great Britain, officials are weighing proposals to embed tags in vehicle license plates. International Business Machines Corp. is seeking to convince banks that their best customers could be issued cards with the tags, allowing them to be immediately recognized when they enter the bank and given red-carpet treatment.

"If you know quickly who is in the area, you can customize their experience," said Paul McKeown, who heads IBM's global smart-card efforts. McKeown said he was inspired by an experience his mother had in her small town in England, where for years she was banking at the same branch and one day wasn't recognized and was challenged by a new teller.
The technology is moving fastest in retailing, where Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is wielding its market power to push RFID into the supply chain. It has told its top 100 suppliers that by January they are to begin putting tags on cases of products before they are shipped to several Wal-Mart distribution centers in Texas that are testing the system.

RFID Tags Read Remotely
Unlike bar codes, which must be passed in front of a scanner, RFID tags can be read remotely by a device in the vicinity, sharply reducing time and labor needed to take inventory and letting stores more quickly recognize when stocks are low. By some estimates, retailers lose 4 percent in sales because they are out of what consumers are looking for.

But RFID initiatives alarm privacy advocates, as well as some federal government officials and state legislators, who understand the benefits but worry about the possibility of abuse in the tracking of goods and people.
For example, an RFID tag on a medication bottle might one day be used to alert a relative at another location that an elderly father forgot to take his pills. But electronic readers in office buildings might detect the types of medicines being carried around by employees, which many would regard as an invasion of privacy.

The Food and Drug Administration is in fact encouraging adoption of RFID in the pharmaceutical industry to attack counterfeit drugs, pushing for widespread tagging of medicines by 2007.

Tremendous Potential

Other uses are proliferating as well. One California company has developed a soap dispenser capable of reading employee tags to let restaurant managers know whether their workers washed their hands while in the bathroom. A charter school in Buffalo uses tags on its students as a way of taking attendance in the mornings.
"RFID has tremendous potential for improving productivity and security, but it also will become one of the touchstone privacy issues of our times," said Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.), who foresees congressional hearings on the issue. "Before RFID becomes ubiquitous throughout our society and economy, we need to start paying more attention to the privacy side of the equation."

That view is shared by the Federal Trade Commission, which held an all-day seminar on the issue Monday to examine the tradeoffs.
Privacy activists have not waited, conducting high-profile boycotts in the past two years against such firms as Benetton Group SpA and Gillette Co. after learning they were considering, or testing, tags in their products.

A consortium of more than 40 public-interest groups has called for strict public-notification rules, the right to demand deactivation of the tag when people leave stores, and overall limits on the technology's use until privacy concerns have been better addressed.

Early Ambitions of the RFID Movement

Their fears were particularly stoked by the early ambitions of leaders of the RFID movement, who envisioned a world in which every product had a unique identifier that could be electronically tracked.
Kevin Ashton, former executive director of a joint corporate and academic RFID research center at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said in a promotional video that the organization's mission was to "create a single global technology that will enable computers to identify any object, anywhere, automatically."

The MIT center has disbanded, but its work is being carried on by EPCGlobal Inc., a corporate-funded organization that later this summer hopes to announce uniform worldwide technical standards for the technology. The group is also issuing privacy guidelines.
Privacy activism, and economic realities, have tempered the expansive rhetoric of the RFID industry, which now is focused on tagging cases or pallets of products, rather than individual items. At a price of between 25 cents and 50 cents for each tag, it is not yet worth it to put them on every can of soda or tube of toothpaste.

"A lot of people are making crazy statements" about how fast the price of a tag -- which typically contains a tiny chip and an antenna -- will fall, said Jeff Woods, an RFID analyst with the market research firm Gartner Group.
Woods said the technology also is still plagued by inaccuracies in reading the data. Certain metals can interfere with the signals, as can moisture on the tags. Woods said many suppliers are telling him that, unlike retailers, they are not likely to reap savings from moving to RFID systems until it is cheap enough to tag individual items.

Wal-Mart Pressing Ahead
Even consumer product giant Procter & Gamble Co., an aggressive early tester and booster of the technology, is not yet certain about its near-term financial benefits. The company is participating in the Wal-Mart tests, tagging cases of Pantene shampoo, while testing tags on individual bottles in Germany.

But Wal-Mart is pressing ahead, announcing last week that it was expanding the program to its top 300 suppliers by 2006. Target Corp. and Albertson's Inc. have announced similar initiatives, as has the Department of Defense, which will affect hundreds of suppliers.
"RFID will revolutionize . . . the way we do business around the world, and deliver unimaginable benefits," said Simon Langford, Wal-Mart's global director of RFID.

That is music to the ears of a burgeoning sector of large and small companies making RFID tags and readers, and providing hardware and software integration services.
"I think this will be a single-digit, billion-dollar market in three years," said Piyush Sodha, chief executive of Matrics Inc., a 75-employee Rockville firm that manufactures its tags at a plant in Columbia.

But it is those same unimaginables that worry Katherine Albrecht, a Boston area privacy activist who is leading the charge against RFID. Albrecht, who is working on a doctoral dissertation at Harvard University, founded Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering in 1999 after studying how grocery chains were using loyalty cards to develop marketing data about their customers.

Tags in Consumer Products

"Who controls the data" collected from RFID tags? Albrecht asked. She worries that companies putting tags into consumer products might forge alliances with the makers of carpeting, for example, to embed sensing devices that could develop intelligence about how consumers use the items.
Industry dismisses those kinds of scenarios as paranoia, but Albrecht and other activists have forced companies to pay attention to them. A store in Rheinberg, Germany, took RFID tags out of its loyalty cards after protests. Many large firms working with RFID now have extensive disclosure statements on their Web sites.

"Anonymity is an important issue that must be handled very thoughtfully," said Elliot Maxwell, who heads an international committee that advises EPCGlobal on privacy and other policy issues.
But he also recognizes the RFID paradox: "In order to have the most value to both individuals and society, the infrastructure [to read tags] needs to be widespread," he said, citing medical monitoring and the ability to track toxic products, or stolen guns, as examples. "And yet it is just that widespread infrastructure that raises the most questions."

Privacy Activists Wonder
Tags cannot be read at more than about 20 feet, but many say that reading capability will rapidly advance. And given RFID's potential to track stolen goods, privacy activists wonder how long it will be before tags are embedded in money.

But few applications raise more eyebrows than RFID tags implanted in people, a business pursued by Applied Digital Solutions Inc. and its subsidiary, VeriChip Corp., of Palm Beach, Fla.
The company has for years provided rice-grain sized tags for implants into pets and cattle. But it made waves two years ago when a Boca Raton man, his wife and 14-year-old son agreed to let the tags be implanted in them.

The company and the family hoped the tag would speed patients through frequent hospital visits or in the case of an emergency by quickly alerting doctors to a person's identity and medical history. But the FDA quickly stepped in and deemed medical uses of the technology subject to government approval, which is still pending.
Scott R. Silverman, Applied Digital's chief executive, said he hopes the FDA will provide clearance by the end of the year.

Décidément, on ne sait plus quoi inventer pour museler les libertés et contrôler chaque individu ! Au département "biométrie", un petit nouveau est venu s'ajouter... Après l'identification par empreintes digitales, par empreintes de l'iris, par empreintes faciales, par le lobe de l'oreille ou encore par la structure du squelette, c'est aujourd'hui les empreintes de vos veines que l'on se propose de scanner !

Pour preuve, je vous propose un article que je viens juste de lire dans le journal belge "Metro" ( de ce vendredi 2 juillet 2004, en page 15. Mais vous pouvez aussi surfez sur


Tokyo - Les cartes d'accès pourraient un jour devenir obsolètes. Bientôt il suffira de tendre la main pour que les portes les mieux gardées s'ouvrent. Cet appareil peut en effet vous reconnaître rien que par la disposition de vos veines. Baptisé "Vein Sign", il scanne le dos de votre main et peut identifier une personne préalablement enregistrée avec un risque d'erreur minime de 0,0001%. Ce nouveau système de reconnaissance biométrique scanne les poignets en 0,5 secondes. Mis au point par NEC Engineering Co., il pourrait bien, dans le futur, remplcer les cartes d'accès.

ETRANGE comme les multinationales poursuivent de façon obsessive (ou psychopate ?) la recherche dans les moyens d'identifiction des personnes, vous ne trouvez pas ? Bientôt, si on se laisse faire, on ne signer plus avec nos empreintes ni avec nos veines, mais bien...avec notre sang, lorsque les micro-puces cérébrales et sous-cutanées se répandront ! Et à ce moment, adieu libre arbitre et adieu contrôle sur notre sur notre corps ! La réaction devient urgente, sinon l'inévitable se produira.

Chers amis,

L'heure est grave ! Voici ce que mon ami Marc m'a envoyé... On voit venir chez nous les premières RFID liberticides, présentées (évidemment) comme un progrès mervelleux et absolument indispensable afin d'appâter le peuple ! Et ce n'est malheureusement qu'un début... ;-((

IBM ouvre un centre de tests RFID à Nice
jeudi 1 juillet 2004, 17h56
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - International Business Machines a ouvert jeudi un centre d'essais spécialisé dans les étiquettes électroniques, qui devraient bientôt remplacer les codes-barres, à Nice.

Les étiquettes électroniques, qui utilisent la technologie RFID "radio frequency identification" (identification par fréquence radio), permettront de suivre les marchandises, d'automatiser certains services bancaire, d'améliorer la qualité des produits ou d'avertir une personne souhaitant laver une chemise rouge neuve en même temps que du linge blanc.

"C'est le signe que le marché évolue tellement vite que nous avons besoin de ressources supplémentaires", a dit Faye Holland, directeur du segment RFID chez IBM. Un millier de personnes travaillent sur cette technologie, à temps plein ou partiel, chez le constructeur informatique.

Des géants de la distribution, comme l'américain Wal-Mart, l'allemand Metro ou le britannique Tesco, ont annoncé qu'ils allaient utiliser ces produits afin de lire les informations automatiquement et à distance à partir de lecteurs placés dans les caisses enregistreuses, les portes des magasins ou les entrepôts.

Selon Faye Holland, tous les ports, aéroports et compagnies aériennes en Europe et en Asie-Pacifique sont des clients potentiels.

Le développement commercial de la RFID devrait s'accélérer après l'été, lorsque des standards auront été choisis concernant les fréquences radio utilisées.

IBM estime qu'un objet sur deux devrait être associé à une étiquette électronique d'ici 2009.
Source :


Chers amis,

J'en suis encore bouleversé, je n'arrive presque pas à y croire moi-même... L'indicible s'est produit... CINQ ETATS AMERICAINS ONT RENDU LA MICRO-PUCE SOUS-CUTANEE POUR HUMAINS OBLIGATOIRE...O-BLI-GA-TOI-RE... POUR LES SANS-ABRI !!!!!!!!!


Et après les sans domicile fixe, A QUI LE TOUR ? Les chômeurs ? Les handicapés ? Les réfugiés ? Les séditieux ?


Mais SURTOUT, ne croyez pas que nos gouvernements sont plus civilisés ou moins barbares ! On trouvera un tas de fausses raisons, chez nous aussi, pour imposer cette merde immonde !!! Nous avons déjà suivi les USA avec des lois "anti-terroristes" (loi Perben en France, lois de juillet 2002 et du 19 décembre 2003 pour la Belgique) dont les dérives peuvent nous faire passer d'un régime pseudo-démocratique à la dictature totalitaire !

Que ceux d'entre vous qui doutent encore de la dangerosité de cette micro-puce sous-cutanée, voire de son existence, ou des scrupules que les gouvernements auront à l'imposer, se réveillent pendant qu'il en est encore temps !!! Paranoïa ??? On me l'a dit il y a un an et demi de cela... Malheureusement, mon analyse était correcte... En 1,5 an, on est passé de 4 pays touchés par la micro-puce sous-cutanée pour humains... à PLUS DE 20 PAYS A L'HEURE ACTUELLE !!! ET A PRESENT, ON REND CET IMPLANT DIABOLIQUE OBLIGATOIRE, ET LES PLUS FAIBLES SONT VISES !!!

Les sources de mon information :

BON SANG, MES AMIS, INFORMEZ UN MAXIMUM DE GENS...Il FAUT qu'ils sachent ! Nous DEVONS éviter une telle catastrophe !

Et quand on sait qu'il existe encore des plans plus ignobles (micro-puces cérébrales qui permettent de ocntrôler aussi bien le corps que l'esprit)... on est en droit d'avoir la nausée !

Je vous laisse une copie de l'article d'indybay ci-dessous...Allez vérifier aussi celui d'indymedia...

HUD Marks/Chips Homeless


by posted by LPJ Tuesday, Apr. 06, 2004 at 3:39 PM

WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services said Thursday that it was about to begin testing a new technology designed to help more closely monitor and assist the nation's homeless population.Under the pilot program, which grew out of a series of policy academies held in the last two years, homeless people in participating cities will be implanted with mandatory Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags that social workers and police can use track their movements.

The RFID technology was developed by HHS' Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) in partnership with five states, including California and New York. "This is a rare opportunity to use advanced technology to meet society's dual objectives of better serving our homeless population while making our cities safer," HRSA Administrator Betty James Duke said.

The miniscule RFID tags are no larger than a matchstick and will be implanted subdermally, meaning under the skin. Data from RFI tion from Homelessness (PATH) program, which was created under the McKinney Act to fund support services for the homeless. A second phase of the project, scheduled to be completed in early 2005, will wirelessly transmit live information on the locations of homeless people to handheld computers running the Windows CE operating system.A spokesman for the National Coalition for the Homeless, which estimates that there are between 2.3 million and 3.5 million people experiencing homelessness nationwide, said the pilot program could be easily abused.

"We have expressed our tentative support for the idea to HRSA, but only if it includes privacy safeguards," the spokesman said. "So far it's unclear whether those safeguards will actually be in place by roll-out."Chris Hoofnagle, deputy director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, said the mandatory RFID program would be vulnerable to a legal challenge. "It is a glaring violation of the Tenth Amendment, which says that powers not awarded to the gover.

Cher Nenki,

Suite à l'article que tu as intégré sur ton site et concernant le "child identification program", j'ai fait des recherches de mon côté en Belgique, et VOICI CE QUE J'Ai TROUVE...EDIFIANT !

En lisant ton info, nous pouvons nous dire que les Américains sont bien mal lotis, et qu'ils sont en train de se faire plumer comme des pigeons...
Que cela ne nous empêche SURTOUT PAS de voir ce qui se passe CHEZ NOUS, EN CE MOMENT !

Avons-nous donc un programme "CHIP" en France ou en Belgique ? Certes, non, et pas promotionné par les francs-maçons... CEPENDANT, voici ce que l'on a pu découvrir dernièrement au journal télévisé de la RTBF ainsi que sur le site dont je te donne le lien ci-dessous : un PASSEPORT POUR LES ENFANTS, PLUS COMPLET QUE LA SIMPLE CARTE D'IDENTITE, vient d'être créé par la police, et il contient toutes les informations nécessaires (l'âge, la taille, la couleur des cheveux, des yeux, le groupe sanguin et les signes particuliers), et même... l'empreinte digitale du pouce droit ainsi qu'une mèche de cheveux pour pouvoir avoir accès à l'ADN de l'enfant !!! Données biométriques/génétiques, donc...

Simple coïncidence ? Je t'en laisse seul juge...

L'article, tiré du journal belge "Le Soir", est disponible ici :

Je t'en laisse une copie ci-dessous...

Bonne journée et à plus tard,

La Louvière - Pour les identifier s'ils se perdent

Passeport pour les enfants

27 juin 2003 - Le Soir



L'inquiétude est to

Gratuit, ce passeport sera distribué chaque mercredi, à partir du 2 juillet, de 14 à 17h. Les parents, souhaitant en bénéficier, peuvent se présenter avec l'enfant et une photo récente, dans leur commissariat de quartier. Pour rappel, La Louvière est divisée en quatre secteurs : ouest (064/23.21.30), nord (064/23.21.10), sud (064/23.21.50.) et centre (064/23.20.20). Au dos du passeport figurent le numéro d'urgence (101) et celui de Child Focus (110). Nous espérons que notre opération sera relayée dans d'autres lieux afin qu'un jour, Child Focus coordonne l'ensemble de l'opération, conclut le commissaire Demol.

Voici un article de plus prouvant que le DARPA, un organisme de défense (donc, militaire) possède les moyens de créer une race d'hommes-machines (=cyborgs), avec la possibilité de les dominer totalement. Ces humains, cela peut être vous, moi ou...vos enfants !

Tout ceci dans le cadre de l'ignoble et répugnant brain machine interface program, bien entendu... Un programme qui veut nous supprimer tout contrôle sur nous-même, supprimer notre libre arbitre et nous contrôler complètement !

George Orwell n'aurait pas pu imaginer pire situation...
A voir aussi pour le schéma avec légende qui accompagne l'article...

Sur le site de DARPA !. On ne s'en cache même pas. Vous ne direz pas que ce sont des rumeurs de conspirationistes ! Juste de la bonne recherche que les médias ne feront jamais.

Article anglais reproduit ci-bas au cas où il disparaîtrait...

Human Assisted Neural Devices

Program Manager: Dr. Eric Eisenstadt

The Human Assisted Neural Devices Program represents a major DSO thrust area that will comprise a multidisciplinary, multipronged approach with far reaching impact. The program will create new technologies for augmenting human performance through the ability to noninvasively access codes in the brain in real time and integrate them into peripheral device or system operations. Focus will be on the following areas:

1. Extraction of neural and force dynamic codes related to patterns of motor or sensory activity required for executing simple to complex motor or sensory activity (e.g., reaching, grasping, manipulating, running, walking, kicking, digging, hearing, seeing, tactile). This will require the exploitation of new interfaces and algorithms for providing useful nonlinear transformation, pattern extraction techniques, and the ability to test these in appropriate models or systems.

2. Determination of necessary force and sensory feedback (positional, postural, visual, acoustic, or other) from a peripheral device or interface that will provide critical inputs required for closed loop control of a working device (robotic appendage or other peripheral control device or system).

3. New methods, processes, and instrumentation for accessing neural codes noninvasively at appropriate spatiotemporal resolution to provide closed loop control of a peripheral device. This could include both fundamental interactions of neural cells, tissue, and brain with energy profiles that could provide noninvasive access to codes (magnetics, light, or other).

4. New materials and device design and fabrication methods that embody compliance and elastic principles, and that capture force dynamics that integrate with neural control commands. These include the use of dynamic materials and designs into working prototypes.

5. Demonstrations of plasticity from the neural system and from an integrated working device or system that result in real time control under relevant conditions of force perturbation and cluttered sensory environments from which tasks must be performed (e.g., recognizing and picking up a target and manipulating it).

6. Biomimetic implementation of controllers (with robotics or other devices and systems) that integrate neural sensory or motor control integrated with force dynamic and sensory feedback from a working device or system. The first phase of the program may include dynamic control of simple and complex motor or sensory activity directly using neural codes integrated into a machine, device, or system. Simple actions considered include using a robotic arm or leg to sense a target, reach for it and manipulate it, throw or kick an object at a target, or recognize a sensory input and responding to it (visual, acoustic) directly through input/output brain integration. More complex activity may include issues related to force or sensory perturbation in more complex environments

Dossier à suivre...

Une puce sur chaque chien dès 2006

23 juin 2004

Notamment pour faciliter l'identification en cas de morsures - Près de 70 francs pour faire «pucer» son chien - Les éleveurs de chiens de race auraient préféré le choix entre puce et tatouage

Berne (AP) Tous les chiots suisses devront être identifiés par un vétérinaire au moyen d'une puce électronique dès le 1er janvier 2006. C'est ce qu'a décidé mercredi le Conseil fédéral. Les détenteurs de chiens plus âgés bénéficieront d'un délai d'un an pour enregistrer leur animal dans une banque de données cantonale. La mise en place de la puce coûtera environ 70 francs au propriétaire.
Un quart des quelque 500.000 chiens de Suisse sont déjà porteurs d'une puce électronique, a précisé mercredi Marcel Falk, porte-parole de l'Office vétérinaire fédéral (OVF). Elle est obligatoire dans les cantons de Genève, Vaud, Jura, Valais et Bâle-Campagne. Par ailleurs, dès le 1er octobre prochain, tous les chiens entrant dans l'Union européenne (UE) devront porter une puce ou un tatouage.
Avec l'introduction de cette obligation d'identification, le Conseil fédéral veut faciliter les enquêtes menées suite à des accidents par morsures, à des constats d'épizooties ou lorsque des animaux se sont échappés, ont été maltraités ou abandonnés. Les chiens déjà identifiés, au moyen d'une puce ou d'un tatouage, devront uniquement être enregistrés dans la banque de données.
La puce donnera plusieurs renseignements. Outre un numéro permettant l'identification du chien, elle permettra de connaître la race, la date de naissance et la couleur du poil de l'animal. Le nom du propriétaire au moment de l'identification ainsi que son adresse seront aussi répertoriés. Les cantons peuvent ajouter d'autres informations dans leurs banques de données, par exemple relatives aux vaccinations ou aux changements de propriétaires.

«Médaille moderne»
Cette «médaille moderne» a notamment l'avantage d'être plus sûre que la médaille traditionnelle, qui peut facilement être enlevée, explique Marcel Falk. Il précise qu'il en coûtera entre 60 ou 70 francs au propriétaire pour faire «pucer» son chien. Chaque vétérinaire est habilité à l'installer.
De son côté, l'Association romande des éleveurs de chiens de race est favorable sur le fond aux initiatives améliorant l'identification des animaux. «Nous aurions toutefois préféré un choix entre la puce et le tatouage», a précisé Manuel Martinez, membre de l'association. Certains propriétaires craignent en effet qu'une puce perturbe la vie du chien. D'autres ne sont pas très chauds pour des questions de coûts. AP
© AP - The Associated Press. Tous droits réservés.

Voici un article qui nous montre encore une fois comment "on" parviendra à faire passer pour "bénéfiques", sinon utiles, des technologies absolument répugnantes et dangereuses pour les libertés comme pour les individus !

POURQUOI ET COMMENT PISTER VOS ENFANTS : l'article suivant résume à peu près toutes les technologies disponibles (y compris bien entendu l'immonde verichip, la micro-puce sous-cutanée pour humains), en jouant sur la corde sensible de parents (trop ?) attentionnés. C'est à en avoir la nausée...

La fin de l'article, tout particulièrement, est écoeurante...
A lire avec household or the dual-income family, maintaining balance between work and parenting is difficult, and providing much-needed supervision is almost an impossibility without substantial help.
This week, I'll look at some technologies that can be used to help bridge the gap between where you should be and where you are in terms of adequate and actual oversight.

But before I discuss physical tracking, I should mention that there are several ways to track children on the Internet. Products like IamBigBrother, SpyAgent and eBlaster monitor various levels of activity and generate reports and alerts. There is even a product called Xanovia that allows you to view and block what is coming in or going out over the Web cameras in your house.
Of course your kids might simply choose to use some friend's PC once they know this software is in place, and many parents think the use of this type of product violates the trust between the parent and child. But in the age of an increasingly pervasive Internet, it is class is the GPS Locator for Children by Wherify Wireless. This device, worn by a child, can locate a child that has wandered off. The device looks like a large watch and it can be customized by the child to make it personal. It could fool a kidnapper.

It is endorsed by the Lost Children's Network and Parenting Magazine. For those with aging parents, it also can be used by Alzheimer's patients.

Preteens and Teens

More appropriate for older children, one of the easiest ways to track a child is through a GPS-enabled phone. By using a product like AccuTracking, a child who has the related phone can be located on a Web page and tracked.
Another service is called Teen Arrive Live, which uses Nextel (Nasdaq: NXTL) as its preferred carrier. Nextel has an added advantage in that it offers the only walkie-talkie solution that actually works well and could come in handy if you want to remind your children that they shouldn't be where they are.

Granted, this technology trac life.

The devices have several other security features, including door unlock, starter interrupt and low battery notification. Some good news about this somewhat costly technology is that you might actually get a discount from your insurance provider if you get one of these things.

Another similar product from will do all of the above plus will honk the horn on command, which is really helpful when you want to locate your car in a large parking lot or just startle the heck out of someone standing near your car.

Chipping the Child

Something we do to locate our own lost pets is place a passive microchip under their skin so they can be scanned if they find their way into an animal control facility. A similar technology has been created to address parental concerns about kidnapping. Called the VeriChip, it arrived with significant controversy.

It uses a passive technology with limited range. Basically, the child would need to be scanned with a hand- ainful than losing a child. We unfortunately live in a hostile world, and it sometimes is a comfort to know that there are technologies available that can make it a little less hostile for the most vulnerable of us.

Voici un article concernant la nouvelle carte d'identité du Royaume-Uni, que l'infâme Blunkett souhaite imposer à son peuple ! Puisse son âme croupir en enfer, et son nom figurer dans les chiottes de l'histoire ! 60 MILLIONS de personnes sont concernées, ALORS MEME QUE LA PLUPART D'ENTRE ELLES REFUSENT CETTE CARTE D'IDENTITE ! Et, ô surprise, "la biométrie sera une clé au registre national d'identité" ! Quel "malheureux hasard", ne trouvez-vous pas ? Le tout sous les faux prétextes habituels de "lutte contre le terrorisme" ! Un schéma que nous commençons à connaître que trop bien...

L'article en anglais ci-dessous... Un grand merci à Marc pour l'information !

Bonne journée à tous et à plus tard,

Vic. ;-)

Le Royaume-Uni joint la danse des puces...

To: - Spy News
Subject: [Spy News] Biometrics will be key to national identity register


>Biometrics will be key to national identity register
By Rohit Jaggi
Published: December 31 2004 4:00 | Last Updated: December 31 2004 4:00

The planned national identity register is intended ultimately to be capable
of holding key information about all of the UK's 60m citizens plus all the
foreign workers in Britain.

Contained in the database, which would cost about L186m to set up over three
years, would be information such as name, address, date of birth, sex,
nationality, photograph, signature and biometric information - for example
an iris image.

Biometrics are used to identify people by biological traits. This
fast-developing technology includes older identification markers such as
fingerprints, as well as digital mapping of faces to make them easier to
identify from closed-circuit television images, and retinal and iris images.

One of the central issues is that this information is digitised and held
electronically, enabling rapid matching of one face, say, against a huge
database. There are already laptop computers and mobile phones that require
a fingerprint check to operate.

Part of the aim of David Blunkett, the home secretary, in forcing through
the national identity card scheme against fierce political opposition is to
match moves in the US and EU. Washington will from October 2004 allow
visa-free entry only to citizens of countries that introduce biometric
information on travel documents, following a toughening of rules in the wake
of September 11 2001. And EU ministers have backed plans to include
fingerprints and digital photographs in visas and residence permits for
non-EU citizens, to increase security and fight illegal immigration.

Mr Blunkett says the UK has no choice but to introduce a biometric-based ID
card system - or risk becoming the easy option for terrorists,
people-traffickers and fugitives. Passports containing biometric information
on a chip are to be introduced from 2005, and a pilot scheme has already
been launched.

The UK Passport Service last month signed a contract with SchlumbergerSema
to carry out a six-month pilot involving 10,000 volunteers who will be
recruited by Mori. The volunteers will have their faces mapped, their irises
scanned and their fingerprints taken.

SchlumbergerSema is heading a consortium of companies: NEC for fingerprint
technology and data storage, Identix for facial mapping, and Iridian
Technologies for iris scanning.

Mr Blunkett has said the government is leaning towards iris scans as the
most reliable biometric check, and in May the International Civil Aviation
Organisation nominated facial recognition, iris patterns and fingerprints as
the most suitable biometrics for use in passports.

The UK's ID card scheme would be based on passports and driving licences - a
third of the 38m driving licence holders already have a credit-card-sized
photo licence. And the passport service is developing a passport card to
issue alongside the passport book. Only those UK citizens who have neither a
passport nor a driving licence, or foreign nationals, would need to have a
specific identity card.

The national identity register would work in harness with other databases
such as those of the UK Passport Service and the Driver and Vehicle
Licensing Agency. National Insurance records and electoral registers could
also be used to check identities - as could credit reference agency files.

The first time that many UK citizens will come into contact with the
identity register will be when their passport comes up for renewal.
Passports containing a facial biometric will be issued from mid-2005, so
anyone who wants a passport will not have an option on whether to have their
biometric information put on the register. It would also put up the price of
a passport to L77. In order to obtain the biometric information, applicants
will have to go to a passport office or post office.

The trial scheme that runs to June 2004 will have four fixed units for the
gathering of biometric information, as well as a mobile unit and a portable
unit. The national ID card scheme would be introduced from 2007, and the
government estimates that 80 per cent of the economically active population
would have an identity card or biometric passport or driving licence within
five years. But even without anyone applying specifically for an identity
card, 35m would be covered in five to six years as people apply for or renew
passports and driving licences.

L'Autralie emboîte le pas... la danse des puces ne fait que commencer... sur votre dos.

Voici un article en anglais sur les "smart cards" (cartes à puce) australiennes telles qu'elles sont ressenties. L'article peut être trouvé sur la page suivante :

L'article prouve également que l'on avance bel et bien vers une dictature par puce interposée, et qu'il n'y a pas que les USA qui sont concernés ...

Je vous laisse une copie de l'article ci-dessous... Bonne journée et à plus tard,
Vic. ;-)

Australia: Smart card 'threatens privacy'

Melbourne Age | July 10 2004

Imagine a world where the government knows how and where you travel, what your spending habits are, your medical history and your daily habits.

Then imagine all this information and more can also be accessed by corrupt officials, staff from the private company handling the technology and, in extreme cases, criminals.

Griffith University Law School Associate Professor Justin Malbon warns that the Queensland government's decision to implement a smart card driver's licence in 2006 would eventually lead to all of the above ... and more.

And he also cautioned people outside Queensland against complacency, because while the absence of an Upper House in the Sunshine State made it an ideal trailblazer, the other states have already signalled their intention to fall in line.

"The longer term fear of this is that it will gradually shift the relationship between the government and the people," Prof Malbon warned.

He said the concept was a threat to the democratic process and, depending on which government came to power, had the potential to erase individual rights.

Prof Malbon said a public debate on the issue is planned at the Queensland College of the Arts at South Bank (near Brisbane's city centre) on Tuesday.

He said both sides of the argument would be represented - the speakers include Transport Minister Paul Lucas, Independent MP Liz Cunningham, Queensland Council of Civil Liberties president Ian Deardon and Alex Scott from the Queensland Public Sector Union.

Although touted simply as a innovative new driver's licence scheme, Prof Malbon said the smart card chip had room for far more information than could possibly be used for license details.

He said what was known as "function creep" would mean that more and more information would be gradually added to the card under the guise of user convenience, including public transport ticketing, health, banking services and even bill payment.

While some of it would be voluntary, including adding credit card facilities, other developments would be compulsory, he said.

A consultation paper on the smart card driver's licence released by the state government claims the new technology would protect Queenslanders from identity fraud and licence tampering.

But Prof Malbon said it would have the opposite effect, leaving the average person wide open to hackers and even corrupt officials willing to cash in on the information trade.

"It makes it easier for fraudsters because you've conveniently put all this huge amount of information about you on one little chip that you have to carry around with you," he said.

Prof Malbon said the concept was similar to the Australia Card, which was howled down by the Australian public when it was first mooted in 1986 - but the technology was now far more intrusive and advanced.

He said the smart card, which could hold reams of encrypted private and personal information that cannot be read by the card's holder, could also eventually lead to people being blacklisted by government or private officials without their knowledge.

Currently there are only eight countries in the world that use a smartcard licence system: Argentina, China, El Salvador, Ghana, Guatemala, India, Malaysia and Mexico.

"And none of these countries are particularly well known for there democratic tendencies," Prof Malbon said.

Queensland Premier Peter Beattie insisted that while he always encouraged debate, the smart card was not a Big Brother tactic to destroy democracy.

"We're not going to force anyone to do anything, but smart cards are the way of the future and there are people at the QUT (Queensland University of Technology) and other universities that have been strong advocates of them for some time," he said.

Mr Beattie said anyone who opposed the smart card was condemning the use of ATMs and ATM cards - because that's how the average person would use them.

He said as for people being blacklisted, freedom of information laws would still apply allowing anyone to access their own information.

"You should be afraid of the smart card like you should be afraid of the Easter Bunny," Mr Beattie added.